Monday, October 18, 2010

Driggs on Fire!

We were walking down Driggs Avenue to the L. I had mentioned I forgot my camera, and a few minutes later we noticed a smoking truck. We decided to stop and watch... joked about it bursting into flames, thinking it was just a little overheated...

little did we know...

A few seconds later flames started shooting out from under the hood! It really was on fire! One person went over to the Parking Lot Attendant Booth, where there were TWO employees who had NO idea what was happening in the lot!

Firemen arrived shortly after a passerby (NOT the employees, mind you...) reported the fire.

They smashed in the windows, tore off the hood, hosed everything down...

Wow, what a surprise the owner of that truck will get upon his/her return!

What a day to forget my camera! Good thing the mini one on my phone worked!

Photos: Tracy Cistone.

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